School social network application Connecting school-family.
Wishing to bring more meaningful time to the Vietnamese education community!


School social network application Connecting school-family.
Wishing to bring more meaningful time to the Vietnamese education community!

Ứng dụng mạng xã hội học đường Kết nối nhà trường- gia đình


Schoolbell-e Application: Connecting schools, parents, and students easily.

Schoolbell-e is a two-way interactive school-family application with key features including school news, announcements, and photo albums.

The purpose of Schoolbell-e, a web-based service built on an app, is to create a healthier and happier educational community, allowing educators to focus more on the most important tasks, which are helping students learn and conducting educational research.


 Schoolbell-e sử dụng được trên nhiều thiết bị

II. What can SCHOOLBELL-E do?

Tính năng chính của schoolbell-e

Schools, teachers, and parents can easily connect and share information with the Schoolbell-e application.

General School Announcements

The Schoolbell-e application provides comprehensive general announcements from the school, including class schedules, assignments, events, and more. Parents and students can easily check these announcements under the 'School News' section.

Classroom Information

The Schoolbell-e application also provides detailed information about individual classrooms, including class activities, discipline, and more. Parents and students can receive this information in the 'Announcements' section.

Schoolbell-e thông báo, cập nhật tin tức nhanh chóng

The application connects parents and teachers quickly and instantly through Push notifications.

Phụ huynh, giáo viên nhanh chóng nhận thông báo tức thì thông qua ứng dụng di động

Parents do not miss important news related to their children.

Schoolbell-e provides a feature to check the status of notifications, allowing teachers to see whether parents have received the message or not. This enables teachers to contact or resend messages to parents who have not received the notification.

Schoolbell-e cho phép kiểm tra trạng thái xem tin

III. Key Feature - School News

With Schoolbell-e, teachers can send information to specific grade levels or classes as chosen, or send it to the entire school.

Cập nhật tin tức trường theo lựa chọn

The Schoolbell-e application provides a survey feature with various flexible modes, including displaying real names, anonymous responses, result statistics, and printing lists, among others.

It serves as a repository for parent feedback surveys related to their children's education and school/class news. Survey responses are immediately forwarded to the survey creator and homeroom teachers. Even after responding to the survey, parents can change their answers before the survey deadline.

Key highlights of the survey feature in the Schoolbell-e application:

1. Diverse Modes: The application offers multiple flexible survey modes to meet the needs of schools and parents.
2. High Security: Survey content is kept highly secure, allowing parents to choose to respond anonymously or display their real names.
3. Result Statistics: The application provides detailed survey result statistics, helping schools and parents understand the situation and identify appropriate solutions.
4. File Attachments: Parents can attach files of unlimited size to the survey, providing additional information to the school.

The Schoolbell-e application is a valuable tool for schools and parents to gather feedback, thereby improving the quality of education and building a stronger bond between the school and families.

Phụ huynh có thể đăng kí tham gia câu lạc bộ phù hợp với con thông qua Schoolbell-e

Schoolbell-e has a message composition interface with familiar features. Additionally, the application allows users to attach documents, images, and videos to messages.

Giao diện viết bảng tin của schoolbell-e

IV. The distinctive features of Schoolbell-e?

The Schoolbell-e application allows schools to use pre-made templates provided by the application or upload their own custom forms and store them for parents and teachers to use whenever needed.

Phụ huynh có thể thực hiện đơn xin phép và có thể trao đổi với giáo viên về các vấn đề liên quan trên đơn

Additionally, Schoolbell-e has a chat mode right within the created menu, allowing teachers to inquire about the students' status.

Chế độ Chat ngay tại mục đơn đã tạo

In addition to its electronic communication features, teachers and parents can also view Schoolbell-e as a social network:

- Teachers, parents, and students can post photos, videos, and files without worrying about file size limits.
- They have the option to post to the entire school, grade level, class, or to individual parents and students.

Schoolbell-e được xây dựng như một mạng xã hội thu nhỏ

V. Schoolbell-e specializes in traditional activities

Tiết kiệm thời gian cho giáo viên, phụ huynh và học sinh

VI. The story of Schoolbell-e

The formation and development process of Schoolbell-e​​​​​​​

Quá trình phát triển của Schoolbell-e

Achievements that Schoolbell-e has achieved

Thành tựu mà Schoolbell-e đã đạt được


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