A. CONTENT is what it is all about. A digital signage system will vary from one to another depending on the content displayed. When the owner of the system and its provider did not take time to ask enough questions to correctly define a suitable system, most of the time they will not bring the expected outcome.

A. Basically, there are four simple steps.
- First, it is necessary to CREATE content.
- The second step it to SCHEDULE the content so that it is played back at the suitable time and place.
- Next, it needs to be DISTRIBUTED to the server/client.
- When that is done, the final step is to PLAY BACK.

A. ROI (Return on Investment) is an important element when making the decision to install digital signage. Hard ROI is measured, for example, when retailers, theaters and other venues recognize increased sales. There are other ROI factors such as a simple reduction in costs, such as printing, shipping and labor. 
Defining what you want to accomplish (GOAL) and how you would measure that (DEFINITION) will be the key to make your installation a success. 
It is good to start with a pilot program, comparing digital signage used location with non-installed ones.

A. An MPEG player or TV can be plugged into a DVD player, but what you will see is the same content repeating over and over. With digital signage, the content is renewed and can stay fresh. 
First, digital signage will help in saving production cost versus creating MPEGs or DVDs. 
With MPEGs and DVDs, new content will need to be created every time a change is made, creating additional work and cost. With digital signage, only an individual element will need to be changed, not the entire piece of content. For example, if there is content showing reduced prices for bananas at a supermarket, only the price will need to be changed, not the pictures or other text coming with it, or if your digital signage system was plugged into the POS system, it would automatically pull up to date data. 
Next, distribution costs can be reduced. 
DVDs are a physical media so they will need to be shipped every time there is an update. The costs add up: cost for the DVD, cost for burning copies, printing labels, and shipping. 
With digital signage, there isn't a need to ship DVDs to each venue, which eliminates the costs to ship. 
On the other hand, MPEG files use large amounts of bandwidth and can run up the cost, as well as save availability on the network. When it comes to bandwidth, digital signage sends only the pieces which had been updated, saving bandwidth and the cost for your network. 
Finally, digital signage provides the Right Time at the Right Place. 
Right Time at the Right Place is one of the key words of digital signage maximizing the value of the information. MPEG players or DVDs will not be able to realize this as it could with digital signage with scheduling and advanced play back features. Distributing DVDs will have a risk that those will not be played, staff members can forget to change them, or could simply forget to power on.

A. First you will need a DISPLAY, CLIENT COMPUTER (or we sometimes call them players or controllers), and SOFTWARE. When you have more than one client, you will want a NETWORK, whether that is a LAN or WAN, depends on the environment you would want to use, and software along with a server to distribute the content data. Finally the most important will be your image of what kind of CONTENT you would want to play with your digital signage.

A. LCDs (Liquid Crystal Display), PDPs(Plasma Display Panel), and projectors are the major displays used for digital signage. There are some other unique ones to make the most out of your digital signage. This will depend on the venue you install the displays.

A. Touch Screens are always good for places like malls, museums, amusement parks, or even stations. This is one of the optional uses digital signage could provide, searching features in the use such as way finders.

A. Broadband network is preferred to make the most out of a digital signage system for increased flexibility and speed. This must be discussed in the terms of operation (how often, when, number of clients, etc), and content (size, bandwidth occupancy, etc.) when designing the system.

A. Just let us know through the contact form, and we will be happy to send you additional information. If you are interested in a specific product, please visit our product site linked from the product page which could help.